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House of the dragon Download in Hindi Ep-1, Ep-2 ,Ep-3 ,Ep-4, Ep-5, Ep-6 , Ep-7 Ep-8, Ep-9

  Storyline: The prequel series finds the Targaryen dynasty at the absolute apex of its power, with more than 15 dragons under their yoke. Most empires—real and imagined—crumble from such heights. In the case of the Targaryens, their slow fall begins almost 193 years before the events of Game of Thrones, when King Viserys Targaryen breaks with a century of tradition by naming his daughter Rhaenyra heir to the Iron Throne. But when Viserys later fathers a son, the court is shocked when Rhaenyra retains her status as his heir, and seeds of division sow friction across the realm. Download Website Click House of the Dragon

Cursed (Netflix Series)



Cursed, a new R-rated fantasy series on Netflix reimagining Arthurian legends, has a lot on its plate. A coming-of-age tale following a young Nimue, aka the Lady of the Lake, its 10 episodes try to juggle war, a love story, a medieval land-spanning quest and a famous destiny that's ripe to be subverted.

Yet after a promising start, it becomes clear Cursed doesn't have a firm grasp on what kind of show it wants to be, failing to tie all those elements into one connected entity. Torn between young adult drama and R-rated violence, Cursed seems to decide it's best to wander into Game of Thrones territory, with political intrigue and a single impressive one-shot battle sequence.

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